Response to the “Consultation Document on Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme

Response to the "Consultation Document on Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme, December 2014" of the HKSAR Government


Founded in May 2011, the Dashun Policy Research Centre (DPRC) is a government-approved charitable organization with 400 think-tank members including university presidents, academics, professionals, and renowned personalities with outstanding public service experience and social status in their own right. Our main objective is to promote the long term interests and sustainable development of Hong Kong. We are committed to serving Hong Kong focusing on its economic development and people’s livelihood.

The Expert Group on Health Promotion (EGHP) of DPRC have met and discussed the Consultation Document. Following the deliberations of EGHP, together with information and opinions gathered at the Open Forum on Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme held on 28 February 2015 (with participation from representatives of the Food and Health Bureau of the Hong Kong SAR Government, the Hong Kong Medical Association, the Hong Kong Private Hospitals Association, the insurance sector and Patients’ Rights Group of the Society for Community Organization), we submit DPRC’s comments on Selected Topics (SECTION A) and specific response to the issues raised in the “Way Forward” of the Consultation Document (SECTION B).

Download the response document