About Dashun Foundation

Vision Building a better Hong Kong.


By bringing together talents and professionals from different sectors, we seek to analyse and put forth considered and balanced views and pertinent recommendations on public policy issues.


Dashun Foundation, a non profit-making charitable institution under the Inland Revenue Ordinance, was founded on 12 May 2011 by a body of professionals and scholars with a shared mission of promoting and contributing to the long term interests and sustainable development of Hong Kong. We aim to achieve our goal with the guiding principle of "professionals united for enhancing the economy and people's livelihood".
Research conducted by Dashun Foundation covers the following areas: economic development, people's livelihood, planning, housing, infrastructure, health care, transport, logistics, energy, environment, conservation, culture, religion, art, education, taxation, youth affairs, care for the elderly, political systems, information technology and technological development. We also investigate the impact on Hong Kong arising from external adversity and development in the global economy.

Our range of pursuits include:

Offering professionals views and recommendations on policies of signficant public concern; Rendering comments on government initiatives and consultation documents; Undertaking research studies on specific topics with authoritative findings and proposals; Organizing talks, forums, workshops, seminars and distinguished lectures to raise public awarness of and to foster discussions in the community; Disseminating information and research findings through the mass media for professionals and the public; and Presenting comments and views at Legislative Council sessions and public forums.

Dashun Foundation is named after Emperor Shun of ancient Chinese legend.

It was said that Emperor Shun experienced much hardship in his childhood. He never gave up and persisted in working hard and was determined to strive for excellence. Emperor Yao was very impressed by Shun's modesty, wisdom and sincerity and thus appointed Shun as his successor. After taking over the office, he ruled the country efficiently with the utmost diligence and determination.
Dashun Foundation named after Emperor Shun to inspire to his wisdom and foresight in our quest for building a better Hong Kong and serving the community through the collective expertise, wisdom and professionalism of our Advisors and Think Tank Members.